
Discover compassionate communication

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it”

- Mahatma Gandhi


Better together

Often we find ourselves in some sort of conflict, whether internally or with those we love or work with. This might be with family, close friends, colleagues, or strangers - it’s a part of being human. At these times we experience feelings of anger, tension, resentment, guilt - to name just a few. We have a deep desire for connection and peace that isn’t being met.

In our efforts to resolve the conflict, we frequently we use the same alienating communication which led to difficulties; we try to demand our solutions be accepted, or we use alienating language such as judgements or demands, and we interpret what we hear or search for who is right. Perhaps we even withdraw in an effort to cope and work things out.

So something needs to change in our way of communicating. NVC offers a way to speak in a way that helps you to be heard, and a way to be present so that you can really hear what the other person is trying to say.


“I’m taking time to be so much more conscious of what’s going on in and around me and I’m learning so much about myself. Thanks so much Alice, I really value and appreciate your timely wisdom and guidance”

— Female, anonymous

Our Counselling Style


Alice Kleinsman

Alice is a qualified and registered counsellor, and has trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Nonviolent Communication, as well as in adult education and life coaching. She has become well known for her healing work with families, and is enjoying how the training she has undergone in mediation is adding an extra dimension of healing to her work with families. Alice developed Heart Centered Mothering, which incorporates the principles of NVC and NLP.


Duncan Hill

Duncan has a wide background in teaching, building, art making, writing, mediation and men’s group work. For the past 4 years he has been facilitating a group for men who want to become better fathers. Duncan is also involved with Rites of Passage for young men. With his partner Alice they have trained in Compassionate Communication NVC and mediation with Auckland based trainers Wayne Prince and Deb Hipperson.

Duncan likes to help others connect with themselves, others and the world as an artist, builder, poet, teacher and ‘community transformation technician’-someone who supports deep change in society at many levels. Duncan brings intuition, insight, wisdom and humour to his practice as a mediator. Together with Alice, he practices mindful living at a slow pace of life on their small farm in Foxton.